
2001-2011的古代小说研究——以《明清小说研究》为中心的简要检讨 被引量:1

On Ancient Chinese Novels from 2001 to 2011——A Brief Examination Centered around Studies of Ming-and-Qing Novels
摘要 "世纪末情结"与学术自觉追求的交互为用,催生上个世纪末相当一批意在学术回顾与前瞻的研讨和论著。从外部环境来看,21世纪头十年堪称中国古代文学甚至整个人文社科研究的黄金十年。从《明清小说研究》所发论文来看,2001-2011年间的中国古代小说研究出现一系列可喜进展,当年学术回顾中的一些针砭发挥了一定作用。为进一步扩展古代小说研究视野,提升古代小说研究的科学品格和当代价值,今后应在古代小说与诗词文等抒情文学、古代小说与现当代小说之关系等两个方向作更为深广的开掘。 The interplay between the "end -of-the -century complex" and conscious academic pursuit resulted in quite a batch of papers and monographs regarding academic retrospect and prospect at the turn of last century. Externally, the first ten years of the 21 st century is the prime age of the research of Chinese classics and even the whole social sciences and humanities. Examined from the papers on Studies ofMing - and - Qing Novels , the research of ancient Chinese novels from 2001 to 2011 has made great accomplishments. In order to broaden the research vision of ancient Chinese novels and enhance its scientific qualities and contemporary values, we should further delve into the correspondence between ancient novels and lyric literary works like poetry and ci poetry, and that between ancient novels and modern and contemporary novels.
出处 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2013年第3期45-51,共7页 Journal of Shaoxing University
关键词 2001—2011 古代小说研究 《明清小说研究》 2001 -2011 ancient novels research Studies of Ming - and - Qing Novels
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