
内创业国外研究述评 被引量:2

Review of Overseas Study on Intrapreneurship
摘要 在既存的企业内部从事创新和创业活动是企业可持续发展的不竭动力,这种动力来自于企业的内创业者。我国企业在经历了改革开放以后的蓬勃发展之后,大部分进入了企业发展的成熟稳定期,也容易进入疲软期。而内创业则能激发企业内部活力,是企业寻找利润增长点的一种新的途径。此文从内创业的概念、环境及其影响、类型及创业主体、内创业过程等方面,对相应的最新文献进行了归纳和梳理,并简单评述了当前研究特点和不足。 Innovation and pioneering activity constitute an inexhaustible driving force of sustainable development of enterprises, which comes from their intraprencurs. Our enterprises have entered into a mature and stable period of development after the reform and opening up, but they are easy to slide into a workout period. Intrapreneurship can stimulate internal vitality, hence a new way for enterprises to increase profits. This paper gives a comprehensive analysis of the concept of intraprencurship, its environment, its impact, its types, intrapreneurs and intraprencurship process from the perspective of the latest literature concerned; meanwhile, it briefly comments on the characteristics and weaknesses of the current study.
出处 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2013年第3期86-88,共3页 Journal of Shaoxing University
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目(11JCYJ06YB) 浙江省教育厅项目(Y201122353) 浙江省社科联项目(2011N077) 浙江省教育科学规划2012年度研究课题<创业型大学视域下浙江地方高校创业教育模式研究>
关键词 内创业 内创业环境 内创业过程 intrapreneurship intrapreneurship environment intrapreneurship process
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