

Fault Location for Applications of Rural Credit Cooperatives
摘要 为了提高农村信用社IT服务质量,利用告警信息迅速准确的定位故障根源,对于快速恢复服务具有重大意义。现有基于SNMP的网管软件以及IT资源监控系统,只能独立显示各个软硬件设备状态,一旦产生大量告警信息,并不能通过智能的分析告警之间的关联关系,找出故障的根源。本文提出了一种面向应用层的告警关联性分析模型,通过对分布式业务系统进行分析,建立告警关联性分析模型[1],设计智能告警关联性分析算法[2],能够利用业务系统产生的告警信息,迅速准确的定位故障根源。 To improve the quality of IT services of rural credit cooperatives and quickly revover service, it is import to use the alarm information to quickly locate the faults. The SNMP network management software and IT resources monitor system in use can only show the status of software or hardware equipment separately. If a large number of alarm information has produced, if can't find out the mot cause of failures intelligently through analysis of the correlation of all alarms. This paper proposed a alarm correlation analysis model for application layer. Through the analysis of distributed business system, this paper established the alarm correlation analysis model and designed intelligent alarm correlation analysis algorithm. It is proved that this model can locate root causes quickly and accurately though the alarms produced by business system.
作者 李志青
出处 《科技信息》 2013年第13期447-448,共2页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 告警 故障定位 关联关系模型 Alarm Fault location Alarm correlation analysis model
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