1964~1966年我们考察了位于新疆天山山脉的15个县的林区及阿尔泰山山脉的3个县的林区,发现全沟硬蜱(Ixodes persulcatus)分布于海拔1500~1800m的森林草原景观中。并从天格尔山北坡的乌鲁木齐(N43°33′,E87°07′)、昌吉县林区(N43°30′,E86°55′),依连哈比尔尕山北坡的玛纳斯(N43°53′,E86°06′)、沙湾县林区(N43°56′,E85°12′),婆罗克努山南坡的尼勒克县林区(N44°02′,E82°38′),科古琴山南坡的霍城县林区(N44°28′,E81°10′),那拉提山北坡的新源(N43°16′,E84°01′)、巩留县林区(N43°11′,E82°44′)和哈尔克山北坡的特克斯(N43°59′,E81°55′)、昭苏县林区(N42°48′,E80°35′)采集的全沟硬蜱分离出森林脑炎病毒(Tick-borne encephalitis flavivirus)。从而判定上述地区存在森林脑炎自然疫源地。全沟硬蜱为主要媒介,其带毒率介于14.3%~47.7%。狍(Capreolus capreolus)、狐(Vulpes vulpes)、灰旱獭(Marmotabaibacina)、牛、马和羊均可作为该蜱的天然饲养者,从它们的血清中均检出森林脑炎病毒中和抗体。在疫源地内有散发病例发生。查布察尔(N43°34′,E81°08′、哈巴河(N48°28′,E86°42′)、奇台(N43°38′,E89°42′)、吉木萨尔(N43°49′,E89°)因采集材料过少尚不能确定?
The tick Ixodes persulcatus was found to be distributed in forest-grassland landscapes 1500-1800m above sea level when surveys were carried out in 15 forest zones in the Tianshan Mountains and 3 forest zones in Altay Mountains from 1964 to 1966. Tick-borne encephalitis flavivirus was isolated from the ticks collected from the forest zones in the following areas: Urumqi (43°33 ' N, 87°07 ' E) and Changji (43°30 ' N, 86°55 ' E) in the northern slope of M.Tengger, Manas (43°53 ' N, 85°06' E) and Shawan (43°56' N, 85°12 ' E) in the northern slope of M. Eren Habirga, Nilka (44°02 ' N,82°38 ' E) in the southern slope of M. Borohoro, Huocheng (44°28 ' N, 81### 10 ' E) in the southern slope of M. Kokirqin, Xinyuan (43°16 ' N, 84°01 ' E) and Gongliu (43°11 ' N, 82°44' E) in the northern slope of M. Narat, Tekes (43°59 ' N, 81°55 ' E) and Zhaosu (42°48 ' N, 80°35 ' E) in the northern slope of M. Halik. Therefore, it was concluded that natural foci of Russian spring summer encephalitis existed in the above mentioned areas with Ixodes Persulcatus as the main vector, virus carrying rates of which were 14.3-47.7%. Wild and domestic animals such as roe deer, fox, grey marmot, cattle, horse and sheep could be its natural feeders, for Russian spring summer encephalitis antibodies were detected from the sera of the above animals. Sporadic cases of the disease were found in the focal areas.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin
Natural foci, Russian spring summer encephalitis
Tianshan Mountains,Allay Mountains, Xinjiang
Ixodes persulcatus
Encephalitis flavivirus
Marmota baibacina
Vulpes vulpes
Sus scrofa
Domestic animal
Serological test
Neutralizing antibody