为探讨鼻内窥镜对鼻腔后部出血急诊处理的优越性 ,将 1996年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 1月鼻腔后部出血的病人分成两组 ,A组用鼻内窥镜处理 ,B组则用传统的前、后鼻孔填塞处理 .结果 A组止血一次成功率为 96 .8% ,B组止血一次成功率为 82 .1% .因此 ,对于鼻腔后部出血的病人 ,运用鼻内窥镜处理可以提高止血效果 ,减轻病人的不适 。
To discuss the advantage of applying nasal endoscopic electrocautery for posterior epistaxis. 60 coses were divided into two groups, group A was treated with endoscopic electrocautery, group B with nasal packing.The result showed,the rate of control epistaxis in group A is 96.8%, group B is 82.1%. To treat the posterior epistaxis with endoscopic electrocautery could increase cure rate, decrease the complications and less uncomfortable.
Bulletin of Science and Technology