本文报告了方形黄鼠蚤松江亚种Citellophilus tesquorum sungaris在不同实验条件下的存活情况。在25±0.5℃、75±5%RH条件下,该蚤在饥饿、喂血1小时和每隔5天喂血24小时(周期重复喂三次)状态下的存活时间分别为12.9天、14.8天和18.6天。在15±0.5℃75±5%RH和2~6℃,55%~70%RH条件下的饥饿蚤存活时间则分别为39.5天和37.1天。饥饿蚤在40℃时处理3小时,平均存活率为60%,37.5℃时处理24小时,平均存活率为40%,-10~-2℃时处理15天,平均存活率为21.7%,处理94~95天时,则为0%。该蚤的存活曲线呈现“矩形”。
The adults survival status of Citellophilus tesquorum sungaris under laboratory conditions was reported. Under the conditions of 25±0.5℃ and 75±5% RH, the average longevity of the flea was 12.9, 14.8 and 18.6 days for the unfed, the fed for one hour only and the fed in 24 hours for 3 times at the interval of 5 days respectively. And under the conditions of 15±0.5℃, 75±5% RH and 2-6℃ , 55-70% RH, the average longevities were 39.5 and 37.1 days for unfed flea. The average survival rates of unfed fleas were 60%, 40%, 21.6% and 0% respectively when there were exposed to the conditions of 40℃ for 3 hours, and 37.5℃ for 24 houres, and to the conditions of low temperature ranged from -10℃~-2℃ for 15 days and for 94-95 days. The survival curves of the flea formed the shape of a rectangle.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin
Citellophilus tesouorum sungaris
Flea, Lab fed