目的 观察甲状腺功能亢进患者的糖代谢情况。方法 将38例甲状腺功能亢进患者及与患者性别、年龄相应的健康对照者16例,均进行空腹、餐后2h的血糖、胰岛素明显升高,与健康对照组比较均有显著差异(P〈0.01)。结论 甲亢患者有餐后高血糖、高胰岛素血症,存在胰岛素抵抗。
Objective To observe the glycometabolism in hyperthyroid patients.Methods A group of 38 cases of hyperthyroid patients and another group of 16 healthy people matched in sex and age were tested for fast,2?h postprandial blood glucose and insulin level.Results No significant difference in fast blood glucose and insulin level was found between two groups,whereas 2?h postprandial blood glucose and insulin level of the hyperthyroid group were significantly increased ( P <0.01).Conclusion Hyperthyroid patients showed postprandial hyperglycemia,hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance.
Journal of Beihua University(Natural Science)