本文采用表面形貌分析法研究割草机刀片磨损机理 .试验表明 ,刀片磨损主要是磨粒磨损和接触疲劳磨损 .通过分析 ,认为磨损初期两种磨损机理同时存在 ,磨损后期主要是磨粒磨损 .文中详尽地分析造成磨损的各种因素 .
This paper presents a study on the wear mechanism of mower blade by way of analyzing the surface pattern of it.Tests show that the blade wear mainly consists of milling pellet wear and contact fatigue wear.On analysis,it is believed that the two kinds of wear exist simultaneously in the earlier stage of wear while mainly millet pellet wear takes place in the later stage.Factors causing the wear are analyzed thoroughly.
Journal of Inner Mongolia University of Technology:Natural Science Edition