
当代认知系统研究的趋向与挑战 被引量:1

Trends and Challenges in Contemporary Cognitive Representation Research
摘要 认知系统如何实现拟人的功能,是其研究面临的重大挑战。向下因果观念、生物学隐喻和进化等理念的引入极大地改变了认知系统研究的面貌,然而这一研究仍然面临一些巨大的挑战,如认知系统如何生成,如何获得意义的表征。元规则策略试图回应这些挑战,但仍不能解答笛卡尔的疑问。基于经典认知计算理论的认知系统能否表征,工作描述挑战对此作出判断,其信息处理框架为认知系统提供了明晰的逻辑结构,使逻辑隐喻得以因果性说明,从而使认知系统获得了较为完善的解释。寻找合理的认知结构,并将结构和功能无缝整合,是今后认知系统研究的发展方向。 The introduction of concepts such as downward causation, biological metaphors, and evolution has changed cognitive system research a lot, while the research is still faced with the big challenges. Meta-rules strategy cannot respond to the challenges successfully, since it cannot answer questions from Descartes. The reason why the classical computational theory of cognition can represent is that the structure in the cognitive system can be specified. Information processing as a frame can provide for cognitive system the logic structure, which makes a mechanical explanation available to cognitive system. Thus it is one of the future direction for cognitive system research to find reasonable cognitive structure and to seamlessly integrate structure with function.
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期118-127,共10页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"科学表征问题研究"(项目批准号:12BZX018)的阶段性成果
关键词 认知系统 认知表征 元规则 笛卡尔疑问 Cognitive System Cognitive Representation Meta-rules Cartesian Questions
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