改善真空断路器操动机构的传动运动特性 ,减小真空断路器的操作输出功 ,对提高真空断路器的操作使用性能及寿命都具有直接的影响 利用凸轮机构的多项式运动规律的特点 ,以凸轮多项式运动规律的多项式系数为优化变量 ,以断路器操动机构最小的输出功为目标函数 ,考虑操动机构合分闸时凸轮机构传动压力角的情况 ,建立了弹簧操动机构中凸轮机构的优化数学模型 ,并利用MATLAB语言的优化工具箱方便地实现了优化过程 。
To improve the transmitting characteristic and decrease the output work has a direct effect on the enhancement of the operating property and life span of the operating mechanism of vacuum circuit breakes.Based on the characteristics of polynomial rule of the cam movement,considering the pressure angle of cam device,an optimization model is established,with the coefficients of polynomial rule of cam movement as the optimizing variable, and the minimum output work of the mechanism as the object function.With the optimization tool box of MATLAB,the optimization process is conveniently completed and the perfect result of optimization design is obtained .
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)