
2012年1月—2013年2月荆州市第一人民医院门诊降压药使用情况分析 被引量:3

Analysis on antihypertensive agents used by outpatient in the First People's Hospital of Jingzhou from January 2012 to February 2013
摘要 目的了解荆州市第一人民医院门诊降压药的用药合理性以及用药特点。方法调查荆州市第一人民医院2012年1月至2013年2月门诊降压药使用处方共10305张以及各种降压药的销售量,计算各种降压药的用药频度(DDDs)、药物利用指数(DUI)、药物日均费用(DDDc),并通过各药的DDDs排序(A)和用药金额排序(B),算出比值(B/A)。结果各种降压药的使用情况基本合理,其中依那普利片(扬子江)以及左旋氨氯地平片(浙江昂利康)的DUI值>1;倍他乐克缓释片的DDDc最高,为8.44;单片复方制剂(SPC)的使用率为23%。结论荆州市第一人民医院门诊降压药的使用情况基本合理,医生和患者更倾向于选择价格合理、依从性好以及病人获益好的降压药,其中SPC可能具有优势。 Objective To research the rationality and characteristics of the usage status of antihypertensive agents in outpatient clinic of the First People’s Hospital of Jingzhou.Methods We investigated the prescriptions(10 305) about antihypertensive agents and the sales during January 2012 to February 2013 in the First People’s Hospital of Jingzhou.The defined daily dose sum(DDDs),drug utilization index(DUI),defined daily dose cost(DDDc),DDDs sequence(A),cost sequence(B),and the index of synchronization(B/A) were calculated.Results The usage of antihypertensive agents was basically reasonable,and the DUI values of Enalapril Maleate Tablets(Yangzijiang) and Levamlodipine Besylate Tablets(Anglikang,Zhejiang) were more than 1.The DDDc of Betaloc Sustained-release Tablets was the highest,8.44,and the proportion of single-pill combination(SPC) was 23%.Conclusion The usage status of antihypertensive agents in outpatient clinic of the First People’s Hospital of Jingzhou is basically reasonable.Doctors and patients incline to choose the antihypertensive agents that have superiorities in price,compliance,and benefit.SPC may have superiorities.
作者 朱慧娟
出处 《现代药物与临床》 CAS 2013年第3期398-401,共4页 Drugs & Clinic
关键词 降压药 药物利用指数 药物日均费用 单片复方制剂 antihypertensive agents drug utilization index defined daily dose cost single-pill combination
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