提出了串并联谐振软开关变换器新型拓扑结构 ,采用 80 98单片机及三相 SPWM波形生成芯片 SLE452 0 ,设计了串并联谐振软开关 IGBT变频器系统。详细讨论了谐振环节谐振频率及谐振元件参数的计算及选取方法 ;给出了谐振环节的控制方法及电路 ,分析了系统工作的可靠性。实验结果证明了该串并联谐振软开关 IGBT变频器原理的正确性。
In order to reduce the stresses on the switching devices of the resonant DC link inverter caused by high peak voltage, and the stresses on the switching devices of the parallel resonant DC link inverter caused by high peak current, a three phase DC AC series parallel resonant conveter (Fig.1) with zero voltage soft switching is developed. The design method of the converter is presented. The computation and selection of the resonant frequency and resonant parameters are given in eqs.(6)~(9). The control method and circuit are discussed. With the use of MCS 8098 single chip computer as a controller, IGBT as power devices, SLE4520 as a PWM wave generator, a three phase DC AC series parallel resonant converter is fabricated. The experimental result (Fig.4) shows that the operating principle of the proposed converter is correct, the system design is reasonable. This novel converter has high reliability, high control precision, and good dynamic response.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
国家自然科学基金!(6 96 72 0 19)