

Male extragonadal germ cell tumor: two cases report and review of literatures
摘要 目的提高对男性性腺外生殖细胞肿瘤的认识.方法 报告两例男性性腺外生殖细胞肿瘤并复习相关文献.结果 一例患者为纵隔、腹膜后和盆腔非精原细胞肿瘤,经化疗和手术治疗,多次复发并呈浸润性生长,预后差;另一例患者为腹膜后精原细胞肿瘤伴表浅淋巴结与骨髓转移,经化疗后肿瘤消失,患者长期无瘤存活.结论性腺外生殖细胞肿瘤临床少见,较难早期确诊,治疗以化疗与手术相结合,预后与病理类型及部位相关. Objective To improve the diagnosis and treatment of male extragonadal germ cell tumor (EGCT). Methods We reported two cases of EGCT and reviewed the associated literatures. Results One patient had nonseminomatous EGCT in mediastinum, retroperitoneum and pelvic, who received chemotherapy and surgery, but exhibiting invasiveness, multiple recurrence and poor prognosis. The other patient had seminomatous EGCT in retroperitoneum with metastasis in superficial lymph nodes and bone marrow, who received chemotherapy, showing ga long term tumor free survival. Conclusion EGCT is a rare disease in clinic. It is hard to be diagnosed early and accurately. Chemotherapy combining with surgery are major methods for the treatment of EGCT, its prognosis is associated with pathology and location of tumor.
出处 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期39-42,共4页 Chinese Journal of Andrology
关键词 性腺 肿瘤 生殖细胞和胚胎性 gonads neoplasms, germ cell and embryonal
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