
南非高中课程设置及其特色 被引量:2

Contents and Features of the National Senior High School Curriculum in South Africa
摘要 民主政府成立后,南非高中课程历经数次修订。基于与培养目标相一致、突出结果本位教育、重视本土知识、强调课程的整合性和包容性的课程设置原则,南非高中课程分为必修课与选修课两种类型,新高中课程设置体现了侧重学生实践能力的培养、重视本土语言学习、凸显课程评估的多样性和发展性、注重课程多样性、重视理科等特色。 After the establishment of the democratic government, national curriculum of senior high school in South Africa has been revised several times. The new curriculum is based on the following principles : adhering to educational objectives, highlighting outcome-based education,valuing indigenous knowledge systems,emphasiz- ing curriculum integration and inelusivity. The subjects for the new curriculum are divided into compulsory and optional ones. The national curriculum for Grades 10-12 is characterized of placing particular emphasis on euhivation of practical abilities, attaching importance to acquisition of indigenous language, paying attention to diversity and developmental factors in assessment, diversified curriculum with science subjects being favored.
作者 牛长松 李梨
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期23-28,共6页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 南非 高中课程 课程评估 South African national senior high school curriculum curriculum assessment
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