

Circumcision for Prevalent HIV Infection Among Male Drug Users in Guangxi,China:a Case-control Study
摘要 目的了解广西男性吸毒人群HIV感染的影响因素,探讨包皮环切与该人群HIV感染的关系。方法应用病例对照研究方法,以男性吸毒人群中HIV感染者为病例组,对照组为按照年龄、调查地区、调查时段进行1∶1匹配的男性吸毒人群中非HIV感染者。回顾性调查研究对象的人口学特征、艾滋病相关知识和态度、吸毒史、性行为特征、性病史、是否做过包皮环切手术等信息。结果共调查258例HIV感染者,对照匹配258名非HIV感染者。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,平均月收入低于500元、与别人共用过针具、最近一个月注射过毒品、固定性伴吸毒、吸毒后发生性行为时从未使用安全套的研究对象更容易感染HIV,而做过包皮环切术者相比未实施过包皮环切者不易感染HIV。结论包皮过长可能是吸毒人群HIV感染的一个因素;社会人口学特征、吸毒行为特征、性行为特征和艾滋病知识知晓情况在一定程度上影响着该人群的HIV感染。 Objective To analyze the association between HIV infection and circumcision and other influencing fac- tors among male drug users in Guangxi, China. Methods A case-control study consisting of HIV-positive patients as cases and HIV-negative person as controls was conducted. Each HIV case was matched by one HIV negative who participated consecutively right after the HIV case was identified at the same survey, same time and in the same city. Cases and controls were interviewed about risk factors including social and de- mographic characteristics, AIDS knowledge and attitudes, abuse-related behavior, sexual behavior, STDs and whether to operate circumcision. Results 258 HIV-positive patients and 258 HI-V-negative people were investigated. Multivariate logistic regression indicated that the average income under $ 500,needle sharing, injection drug used in recent months, the steady sex partners were drug users, never used condom after drug use was more likely to infect HIV, and people who was circumcised had lower probability in HIV infection. Conclusion Redundant foreskin might be a factor in the risk of HIV infection among male drug users. The social demographic characteristics, abuse-related behavior, sexual behavior and their AIDS knowledge were the factors on HIV infection.
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第6期593-596,596,共4页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
基金 广西自然科学基金重点项目(2010GXNSFD013045) 国家科技重大专项"十一五"课题资助项目(2008ZX10001-016) 广西高校人才小高地建设创新团队资助计划(桂教人[2010]38号) 广西"新世纪十百千人才工程"人选课题(桂人社办发[2010]319号)
关键词 男性吸毒人群 HIV 包皮环切 病例对照研究 Male drug users HIV Circumcision Case-control study
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