
Probabilistic Teleportation of Three-Atom State via Five-Atom Cluster State

Probabilistic Teleportation of Three-Atom State via Five-Atom Cluster State
摘要 为经由量隧道被建议的一个五原子的 non-maximally 纠缠的簇状态的一个未知三原子的纠缠的状态的概率的远距传物的一个计划。在这个计划,发送者执行二个贝尔状态并且一原子上的单个原子的大小,接收装置能重建有由介绍一个辅助原子并且操作适当单一的转变的某个概率的原来的状态并且控制不(C 不) 操作根据发送者,艾莉斯的测量结果。作为结果,成功的远距传物的概率被决定由最小簇的二系数的绝对值说。我们的计划的可观的优点是我们在计划作为量隧道采用一个 non-maximally 纠缠的簇状态,它能极大地减少纠纷资源的数量并且需要不太古典的位。如果我们作为量隧道采用一个最大地纠缠的簇状态,概率的远距传物计划成为平常的远距传物,百分之百是的成功的概率。 A scheme for probabilistic teleportation of an unknown three-atom entangled state via a five-atom non- maximally entangled cluster state as quantum channel is proposed. In this scheme, the sender performs two Bell state and a single-atom measurements on the atoms, the receiver can reconstruct the original state with a certain probability by introducing an auxiliary atom and operating appropriate unitary transformations and controlled-not (C-not) operations according to the sender Alice's measurement results. As a result, the probability of successful teleportation is determined by the smallest two of the coefficients' absolute values of the cluster state. The considerable advantage of our scheme is that we employ a non-maximally entangled cluster state as quantum channel in the scheme, which can greatly reduce the amount of entanglement resources and need less classical bits. If we employ a maximally entangled cluster state as quantum channel, the probabilistic teleportation scheme becomes usual teleportation, the successful probability being 100%.
作者 YU Li-Zhi WU Tao
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期700-702,共3页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 11147134, 11273008, and 51271059 and the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province University under Grant Nos. 2013A205 and 2012Z309
关键词 隐形传送 原子态 原子簇 概率 原子纠缠态 量子通道 隐形传态 Bell态 quantum teleportation, five-atom cluster state, Bell state measurement, unitary transformation,C-not operation
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