长白落叶松(Larix olgensis H.)是阳性树种,在郁闭度较大的林冠下生长停滞,甚至死亡。通过适时对造林九年后的幼龄林进行一次透光抚育伐,解决了落叶松被压的问题,促进了幼龄林的生长。试验证明:抚育后郁闭度0.3~0.4的林分可以迅速的恢复生长,而郁闭度在0.5-0.6的林分恢复得慢,尤其郁闭度在0.6的林分恢复最慢。
Larix olgensis H. is sun specie which can not grow under density canopy, and almost end in mortality. Growth of Larix olgensis H. from 9 - year old stand is accelerated by pruning. The experiment show us that trees from stand of 0. 3 -0. 4 crown density performance well in tall growth, DBH growth, survivability after pruning; these from 0. 5 -0. 6 perform not so good, let along these from 0. 6.
Forest Investigation Design