
情景危机传播理论视角下人力资源危机的组织干预 被引量:1

Organizational Intervention of Human Resource Crisis Based on the Perspective of Situational Crisis Communication Theory
摘要 人力资源危机的频发给企业带来了不容忽视的冲击,成为研究企业危机的新热点。本文结合情景危机传播理论分析人力资源危机爆发的影响因素及其成因,构建了人力资源危机组织主动干预模型并提出危机组织干预能力的提升对策。 With the constant human resources crisis have brought a severe shock to enterprise, the human resources crisis gradually become the new orientation and topic of the enterprise crisis. Combining with the situational crisis communication theory, the paper firstly analyzes the factors which influence the human resources crisis. Then according to the causes, the human resource crisis owing to enterprise responsibility is divided into system level, value level and affiliation level, and the model of organizational active intervention to human resource crisis is established systematically. At last, the paper put forward the countermeasures to improve the ability of the organizational crisis intervention.
作者 陈建安 金晶
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2013年第11期44-48,共5页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"社会契约理论视角下的人力资源管理创新研究"(10CGL009) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目"危机情境中组织修复员工信任的机理研究"(20110491195)的阶段性研究成果资助
关键词 人力资源危机 情景危机传播理论 危机责任 组织干预 Human Resources Crisis Situational Crisis Communication Theory Crisis Responsibility Organizational Intervention
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