
液压盘式制动器模型试验 被引量:6

Experiment on Hydraulic Disk Brake Model
摘要 设计了通过测量制动臂所受的弯矩间接获得制动力矩的实车制动试验,采用系统辨识法获得制动力矩系数,得到盘式制动器试验模型。首先对应变电压-制动力矩的关系进行标定,然后实车测试不同制动工况下的制动力矩。根据实车试验得到制动压力,采用系统辨识的方法获得车辆制动压力-制动力矩的传递函数。试验结果表明,前、后轮的液压-制动力矩关系式可适用于不同工况下的制动力矩计算;制动器理论模型和试验模型的增益系数基本相符,但试验模型具有一阶惯性环节,更能准确地反映实际车辆的制动压力-制动力矩之间的关系。 The braking test of the experimental vehicle was conducted, which could indirectly get the braking torque by measuring the bending moment of the braking arm. The braking torque coefficient was obtained by means of the system identification method. Firstly, the relationship between the strain voltage and the braking torque was calibrated. Secondly, the transfer function between the braking pressure and the braking torque was acquired by identifying the collected test data of the experimental vehicle. The experimental results showed that the relationship between the braking pressure and the braking torque of the front and rear wheels could be applied under the different eonditions. The gain coefficients obtained from the hydraulic disk brake theoretical model and test model respectively were compared and found in good agreement. However, the test model had the first-order inertia so that it could more exactly express the relationship between the hydraulic pressure and the braking moment of the real vehicle.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期24-28,共5页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2009QJ01)
关键词 制动器模型 制动力矩 系统辨识 试验 Disk brake model Braking torque System identification Experiment
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