
关联数据与表述性状态转移之比较研究 被引量:1

Comparative Research on Linked Data and REST
摘要 指出关联数据与表述性状态转移在关键原则上存在重大一致性,这在国际学术研究小组中已引起广泛讨论,W3C也开启相关工作小组研究其整合实践。通过从世界观、核心元素、技术细节等方面的比较分析,深入阐述关联数据与表述性状态转移的联系和区别,同时提出将它们进行整合应用的实践建议和准则,为避免应用实践中"罗生门"现象的出现奠定基础。 Linked Data and REST have significant consistency on key principles. It draws widespread discussion in the international academic research group, and W3C also organizes related working group to study their integration practices. With the comparative analysis of world view, eore elements and technical details, this paper deeply depicts the relations and differences between linked data and REST and proposes the research problems and diffieuhies, to lay the foundation to avoid " Rashomon" phenomenon in application practices.
作者 杨剑
机构地区 南通大学图书馆
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期122-127,共6页 Library and Information Service
关键词 关联数据 表述性状态转移 联系 区别 linked data REST relation difference
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