
气候与土壤对烤后烟叶类胡萝卜素和表面提取物含量的影响 被引量:7

Effects of climate and soil on the carotenoid and cuticular extract content of cured tobacco leaves
摘要 选择贵州生态条件差异较大的威宁县、开阳县和天柱县进行客土田间小区试验,以云烟85为材料,探讨气候与土壤对烤后烟叶类胡萝卜素和表面提取物含量的影响。结果表明:类胡萝卜素和表面提取物含量受生态条件的影响较大,地域性差异显著,打破犁底层耕作方式无明显作用。类胡萝卜素含量有随海拔高度增加而升高的趋势,但海拔高度的影响存在阈值效应;清香型烟叶的表面提取物含量明显高于中间香型。不同生态因子的影响程度明显不同,气候是关键生态影响因子。类胡萝卜素含量气候间的变异度是土壤的2—3倍,气候对β-胡萝卜素与叶黄素含量变异的贡献率分别为74%和64%,土壤贡献率分别为9%和12%。影响较大的前3个气候因子为大田生长前期的累积日照时数和累积降水量、成熟期的相对湿度,前3个土壤因子为有效钾、pH值和有效磷。表面提取物含量气候间的变异度是土壤的3—4倍,气候对腺毛分泌物与烷烃类蜡质含量变异的贡献率分别为61%和63%,土壤贡献率分别为13%和7%。影响腺毛分泌物含量的前3个气候因子为大田生长前期的平均气温、成熟期的相对湿度和≥10℃积温,前3个土壤因子为有效钾、有效铜含量和pH值。烷烃类蜡质含量的前3个气候影响因子为大田生长前期的累积降水量和平均气温、成熟期的平均气温,前3个土壤因子为有效锰、有效磷含量和阳离子交换量。土壤因子对烤后烟叶类胡萝卜素含量部位特征的影响较气候因子突出,气候因子对表面提取物含量部位特征的影响较土壤因子明显。 A field plot experiment with the soils from Weining, Kaiyang and Tianzhu in Guizhou, where are strikingly different ecological regions. The effects of soil and climate on the carotenoid and cuticular extract content of cured tobacco leaves were studied by using flue-cured variety of Yunyan 85 as the test material. Results showed ecological conditions had notable effects on the carotenoid and cuticular extract content of cured tobacco leaves. The geographic difference of the carotenoid and cuticular extract content was significant, but the tillage method of breaking down plowpan had no obvious effect. The carotenoid content showed the tendency of increase with the elevation increasing, besides, the altitude'sthreshold effect existed. The cuticular extract content of the clear flavour tobacco was higher than that of the moderate aroma tobacco. The influence degree of different ecological factors on the carotenoid and cuticular extract content of cured tobacco leaves was distinctly different. Climate was the key ecological element which affecting the carotenoid and cuticular extract content. The variability of carotenoid content among climate factors was 2--3 times higher than the variability among soil factors. The contributing rate of climate to the variation of B-carotene and lutein content was 74% and 64% respectively. The contributing rate of soil to the variation of B-carotene and lutein content was respectively 9% and 12%. The amount of sunshine hours and cumulative rainfall at the earlier growing stage in field, and the daily mean relative humidity at maturing stage were the top three climate factors affecting the carotenoid content of cured tobacco leaves. The available potassium, pH and available phosphorus were the top three soil factors affecting the carotenoid content. The variability of the cuticular extract content among climate factors was 3--4 times higher than the variability among soil factors. The contributing rate of climate to the variation of trichome secretion and alkane waxiness content was 61% and 63% respectively. The contributing rate of soil to the variation of trichome secretion and alkane waxiness content was respectively 13% and 7%. The average temperature at the earlier growing stage in field, the relative humidity and t〉 10% accumulated temperature at maturing stage were the top three climate factors affecting the trichome secretion content of cured tobacco leaves. The available potassium, available cuprum and pH were the top three soil factors affecting the trichome secretion content. The cumulative rainfall and average temperature at the earlier growing stage in field, the average temperature at maturing stage were the top three climate factors affecting the alkane waxiness content of cured tobacco leaves. The available manganese, available phosphorus and cation exchange capacity were the top three soil factors affecting the alkane waxiness content. The effect of soil factors on the stalk position character of the carotenoid content was more remakable than the effect of climate factors. However, the effect of climate factors on the stalk position character of the alkane waxiness content was more obviously than the effect of soil factors.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期3865-3877,共13页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家烟草专卖局科技重大专项(Ts-02-20110015) 贵州省烟草专卖局科技重大专项(2007-04)
关键词 气候 土壤 烤后烟叶 类胡萝卜素 表面提取物 soil climate cured tobacco leaves carotenoid cuticular extract
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