7Griffiths D E. (1997)"The Case for Theoretical Pluralism", Educational Management & Administration Vol 25(4), p 371, p 372.
8Lawrence P R. (1992)"The Challenge of Problem -oriented Research", Journal of Management Inquiry 1(2)p. 141. also see Griffiths D E (1994) "Theoretical Pluralism in Educational Administration", in R Donmoyer, R Sheurieh and M Imber (eds) The Knowledge Base in Educational Administration: Multiple Perspectives. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, p 305.
9Culbertson J A. (1988) "A Century' s Quest for a Knowlege Base", in Norman J. Boyan (ed) Handbook of Research on Educational Administration. Longman Inc,pp 3 - 26.
10Donmoyer R. (1999) "The Continuing Quest for a Knowledge Base: 1978- 1998", in Joseph Murphy, Karen Seashore Louis (ed) Handbook of Research on Educational Administration (Second Edition) . Jossey-Bass Publishers, p 30.