
认知语言学视角的省略研究新探索——以日、汉语为中心 被引量:3

A New Inquiry into Ellipsis from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics:With Japanese and Chinese as Focuses
摘要 本文针对前人省略研究中存在的问题,以原型理论、概念与形式的映射关系作为理论指导,结合日、汉语实例,对省略的实质、判定以及认知特点提出了新观点:(1)"省略"意识缘起于原型认识和格式塔式思维;只有在恢复话语的"最小语义完型"时需要召回的信息,才是真正的"省略成分"。(2)省略具有主观性和模糊性。(3)认知主体的主观化调节导致一个"最小语义完型"可能出现多种省略变体。 After pointing out some problems in the previous re- search, this paper applies prototype theory and concept-form mapping relation to the inquiry into some issues in the study of ellipsis. Accordingly, the author proposes some new points on the nature ,judgment and cognitive rules of ellipsis with illustra- tions of Japanese and Chinese examples. The new ideas include: (1) Ellipsis originates from prototypical and Gestalt thinking and only the information that need to be recalled in recovering a "minimal semantic Gestalt" in an utterance is a truly omitted element. (2) Ellipsis is characterized with subjectivity and fuzzi- ness. (3) Human's ability to adjust subjectivity possibly leads to several ellipsis variants for a "minimal semantic Gestalt".
作者 朱立霞
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期16-19,共4页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 国家社科基金项目"认知语言学角度的日汉语省略对比研究"(项目编号:11CYY062)的阶段性成果
关键词 认知语言学 省略 汉语 cognitive linguistics ellipsis Japanese and Chinese
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