As the representatives of the smallest subunit of peptides and proteins, oz-aminoamides are impor- tant synthetic targets. Construction of such species by establishing the carbon-carbon bond on the alpha posi- tion to the carbonyl group is often accomplished by the Ugi reaction, which affords an a-( N-acyl-N-alkyl- amino) amide containing a new stereogenic center at the alpha-carbon atom. Several limitations of this ap- proach have been observed, so it was urgent to report an approach which directly affords a high diastereose- lective o^-aminoamides. It was found that the addition of imine by carbamoylsilanes promoted by stoichimet- ric amounts of BF3 -EtEO could afford a-aminoamides. However for efficient applications within these areas, enantioenriched substrates are required. After exploring the potential of both single and double stereodifferen- tiation in these addition reactions by incoporating chiral N-auxiliaries into the imine and/or carbamoylsilane components, so a chiral carbamoylsilane 4 were synthesized using (R)-l-phenylethylamine as startingmaterial. The reactions of chiral carbamoylsilane 4 with imines 5a ,5b ,5c and chiral imines 7a ,7b ,7c can af- ford stereoselective addition products 6b ,6c ,8a, 8b and 8c, in which 6c ,Sa and 8c are highly stereoselective products. A comparison of the results obtained from 5b ,5c ,Ta ,Tb and 7c indicates that the chiral carbamoyl- silane possesses stereoselectivity which is directly related to substituted group on C = N double bond of im- ines. Thereby, a possible route to enantiopure α-aminoamides is proposed.
Chinese Journal of Medicinal Chemistry