目的为了解我国老年医学发展情况,对我国老年医学国际论文的研究产出进行简要统计和分析。方法本研究选取汤姆森科技信息集团科学数据库(Thomson Scientific,Web of Science,SCI-E)中所收录的第一作者为中国内地学者的文献为依据,选取全部基础理论研究论文和重要的临床实践总结报告以及综述(带有评论性)类文献进行检索,时间截点选取为1979—2011年,将符合检索条件的数据进行建立数据库,对老年医学论文发文量、文章类型、论文合著及基金资助情况、医院排名,以及2011年老年医学专业期刊,论文主题学科分布分析及高表现论文,使用Thomson DataAnalyzer软件进行分析。结果19792011年SCIE收录我国作者(不包括港、澳、台地区)为第一作者,文献类型为论文1769篇,综述86篇,评述18篇,快报54篇,共计1927篇。平均被引次数7.6次,平均引文数30.6篇。国际合作论文379篇(19.7%),基金论文734篇(38.1%),主题学科中老年医学和老年学文献量最高。结论我国老年医学研究发展迅速,与国际上科技强国的合作也非常广泛,但应进一步提升我国老年医学在世界的科学影响,推动老年医学研究向大型的、合作的、综合的、跨学科、跨机构的方向发展,加强多中心合作前瞻性研究、创办好具有国际影响力的国内老年医学期刊英文版迫在眉睫。
Objective To investigate the situation and development of international literatures on geriatrics and gerontology in China's Mainland. Methods The literatures on geriatrics and gerontology written by mainland Chinese scholars as the first author were selected from Thomson Scientific database in 1979 2011 period. Researches on basic theory, summary reports of clinical practice and reviews were collected. The quantity of published articles, article types, international cooperation research and funding programs, hospital rankings, as well as the 2011 geriatrics professional journals, thesis topic disciplines distribution and high-performance papers were analyzed by Thomson Data Analyzer software. Results From 1979 to 2011, the quantity of literatures written by Chinese scholars as the first author (not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions) was 1927, including 1769 research articles, 86 reviews, 18 editorials, 54 letters. Average paper was cited 7.6 times and the average number of article citation was 30.6. International cooperation research articles occupied 379 (19.7%). Articles with research sponsorship were 734 (38.1%), in which most subject discipline was geriatric and gerontology. Conclusions The development of geriatric medicine in China is rapid. The international scientific and technological cooperation is very extensive. It is important to further improve the world impact of geriatric medicine from China. The development of geriatric medicine in a large, cooperative, comprehensive, interdisciplinary, interagency direction, and the prospective, multicenter, cooperative study need to promote. It is extremely urgent to establish the English version of Chinese journals of geriatrics with a international influence.
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics