
基于摄影测量的飞机静弹性风洞模型刚度识别方法 被引量:1

Stiffness Identification for Static Aeroelasticity Wind Tunnel Model of Aircraft Based on Photogrammetry
摘要 气动弹性风洞实验对飞行器研制不可或缺。为此,作者基于摄影测量技术,提出静弹性风洞实验模型刚度分布识别方法,即利用作用在模型机翼各个截面的已知弯矩、扭矩,结合摄影测量技术测得机翼各个截面受载变形前后的3D坐标,识别出模型的抗弯刚度和抗扭刚度分布。数值仿真和地面刚度实验研究表明:所建立的刚度识别方法能真实反映模型结构刚度特性,同时,较传统接触式测量方法,提出的方法对气动弹性风洞实验模型测量无附加刚度,既可提高刚度识别精度,又大幅缩短了刚度识别周期,故具有使用价值。 A method for identifying structural stiffness of aeroelastic wind tunnel model was proposed based on photogrammet. With the known loads (bending moment or respectively torsional moment) acting on the static aeroelastic model,the changes of marking points' 3 D coordinates were measured by photogrammetry, and then the bending stiffness or torsional stiffness of model was solved. It was demonstrated by the numerical simulation and practical tests that compared with the traditional contact measurement method this model is useful and correct due to its better accuracy, shorter period and without additional stiffness.
出处 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期183-188,共6页 Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51075385)
关键词 静弹性模型 刚度实验 刚度识别 摄影测量 static aeroelastic model stiffness test stiffness identification photogrammetry
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