
风电齿轮箱多级行星齿轮耦合传动系统数学建模及振型 被引量:10

Establishment of Mathematic Model and Study of Vibration Modes for Multi-stage Planetary Gear Train of Wind Turbine Gearboxes
摘要 以风电增速箱载荷分流式两级行星轮系一级平行轴齿轮动力耦合传动系统为研究对象,计入多级耦合传动系统的轮齿啮合误差、啮合阻尼、啮合刚度、级间耦合刚度、组件的转动惯量等影响因素,采用集中参数法建立了多级耦合传动系统的动力学模型。根据风电增速箱三级传动系统的有关参数,进行了系统的固有特性研究,归纳总结了多级传动系统的振动模式。分析表明该系统具有8种典型振动模式,即一二级间耦合振动模式、二三级间耦合振动模式、三级间整体耦合振动模式、第一级行星齿轮重根振动模式、第二级行星齿轮重根振动模式、第一级行星轮系单级振动模式、第二级行星轮系单级振动模式和第三级平行轴齿轮单级振动模式,并且进一步研究了第一级行星架和第二级内齿圈间的耦合刚度对系统固有特性的影响。与单级行星轮系的振动模式相比,多级行星传动系统的振动模式更多样和更复杂。 As a part of coupled transmission with load sharing system based on wind turbine gearboxes, a multistage transmission system with twostage planetary gear train and onestage parallelshaft gear train was considered. A dynamic mechanical model for three stage gear train was presented using mpedparameter method. Many factors were taken into account, such as mesh stiffness and mesh damp ing of gear pairs of the transmission system, errors of gear pairs, torsional coupling stiffness of the connecting section, and the inertia of the system. The natural frequencies and vibration modes of the system were obtained through solution of the associated eigenvalue problem by using the related parameters. Based on the properties of the transmission system, the vibration modes of the system were classified into eight categories, which were coupling vibration mode between the first stage and the second stage, coupling vibration mode between the second stage and the third stage, overall rotational mode of the system, planet mode of the first stage, planet mode of the sec ond stage, singlestage vibration mode of the first planetary gears, singlestage vibration mode of the second planetary gears and single stage vibration mode of the parallelshaft gears, respectively. Moreover, the influences of the coupling stiffness between the carrier of the first stage and the ring of the second stage on the natural characteristics were studied. The analysis showed that vibration modes of multistage planetary transmission system arc more diverse and complex than that of singlestage system.
出处 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期189-196,共8页 Journal of Sichuan University (Engineering Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51175299) 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2010EM012) 山东大学自主创新基金资助项目(2012TS044) 山东大学研究生自主创新基金资助项目(31360070613215)
关键词 载荷分流 特征值 数学模型 振动振型 固有特性 load sharing eigenvalue mathematic model vibration mode natural characteristic
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