Objective: To study the expression of DNA vaccine encording HBV core antigen with removing N-amino terminal. Methods: We constructed the DNA vaccine encording HBV core antigen with truncation N- amino terminal by site-directed mutagenesis: removed the first and second amino acid, the third and forth amino, the fifth and sixth amino,moreover, the third and forth from N-amino terminal was separately wiped out for the need study. We named the constructed DNA vaccine as M12, M34, M56, M3 and M4. 293T cells were transiently transfected with M12, M34, M56, M3, M4, wild-type HBc DNA vaccine (pJW4303/HBc) and pJW4303 vector. The protein was measured by westem blot. Results: DNA vaccine encording HBV core antigen with truncation N-amino termio was constructed successfully and expressed HBcAg in lysate and supernatant. Although supernantant of transfected 293T cells can not express the HBcAg, but the lysate of with M^4 and M3 can deliver thimbleful suspected and a little expression. However, HBcAg can be detected in both supematant and lysate of 293T cells transfected with M4. Conclusion: Deletion of the third amino acid in the N-terminal may decrease the expression of HBcAg. The third amino acid may play an important role in the expression of HBcAg protein.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine