
临床医学脑卒中后跌倒的流行病学及病理生理学 被引量:13

Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Falls in Individuals with Stroke
摘要 脑卒中生存者存在跌倒的风险,跌倒在生理及精神上可导致严重后果。脑卒中可使髋部骨折的危险增高,髋部骨折后,患者难以恢复到病前独立运动能力。害怕跌倒在跌倒后常见,可引起活动减少,抑郁甚至独立运动能力降低。跌倒最重要的危险因子为平衡障碍及步态障碍,脑卒中相关的平衡障碍包括静态平衡、动态平衡、他动动态平衡受损,步态异常包括平地行走、复杂行走的技巧能力下降,髋部及膝部复合性运动减少,稳定性减少而发生跌倒。 Stroke survivors are at high risk for falls in all poststroke stages. Falls may have severe conse-quences, both physically and psychologically. Individuals with stroke have an increased risk for hip fractures, and after such a fracture, they less often regain independent mobility. In addition, fear of falling is a common consequence of falls, which may lead to decreased physical activity, social deprivation and, eventually, loss of independence. Important risk factors for falls are balance and gait disorders. Stroke-related balance disorder comprise quiet stance perturbations, self-induced perturbations and external balance perturbations. Gait abnormalities include reduced propulsion at level walking, complex walking skills, decreased hip and knee flexion, and reduced stability resulted falls.
作者 邓晓清 方芳
出处 《医学综述》 2013年第12期2151-2153,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
基金 广西壮族自治区卫生厅课题(Z2012612)
关键词 脑卒中 跌倒 平衡障碍 步态障碍 Stroke Fall Balance disorder Gait disorder
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