介绍了山东银河酒业集团废水综合处理工程 .通过这一大型环保工程实例表明 ,酒厂高浓度有机废水采用固液分离———厌氧消化———化学混凝三段处理工艺方法 ,不但能达到国家要求的排放标准 。
The integrated harness engineering of wastewater,from Yinhe Distillery Industry Group Co.Ltd of Shandong,is introduced in this article.Through the Large-scale environment protection engineering,we use three-part SS removal methold (Solid-Liquid;Anaerobic Digestion;Chemical coagulation)to dispose high sollibility organic wastewater.The results show that technique can ont only make the disposed wastewater to standard,but also decrease engineering investiment and operation cast great.
Environment and Exploitation