

A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Seasonal Employment in Tourism Industry
摘要 文章首先对季节性就业的概念、内涵及组成进行了辨析,并对旅游季节性就业的分布进行分析。然后运用协整检验法测定季节性就业与居民出游数量间的关系,进而从居民出游数量的季节性变化角度对旅游季节性就业的波动形式及幅度进行了实证研究。建议从人力资源开发、用工管理体制创新、细分市场拓展、产品供给多样化、营销方式创新及带薪假期设计等方面来引导和有效管理旅游季节性就业现象。 This article first makes an analysis of the concept, content and composition of seasonal employment, and then analyzes the distribution of seasonal employment in the tourism industry. By using the cointegration test method, it determines the relationship between seasonal employment and the number of travelers, and thus does an empirical study of the fluctuation pattern and range of seasonal tourism employment from the perspec- tive of seasonal change of numbers of travelers. The article suggests that seasonal tourism employment be guid- ed and managed from the following aspects: human resources development, reform of employment management system, more rational market segments, supply of diversified products, marketing innovation and implementation of paid holidays.
作者 梁峰
出处 《无锡商业职业技术学院学报》 2013年第3期29-32,44,共5页 Journal of Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce
关键词 旅游 季节性就业 结构 波动 tourism seasonal employment structure fluctuation
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