
无可奈何花落去 似曾相识燕归来——从后殖民叙事角度看《北迁的季节》 被引量:1

Flowers Fall, Sighing in Vain, Swallows Return, No Strangers They——Reading Season of Migration to the North from the Perspective of Post-colonial Narratology
摘要 笔者通过后殖民视角对小说叙事者、叙事模式和叙事结构进行分析,认为第一人称内聚焦的叙事模式和Y型的叙事结构推动了小说的情节发展,凸显了小说的主题,反映作者对殖民主义造成的后果的深切忧思和无奈。 This paper analyzes the narrators, narrative model and narrative structure in the novel Season of Migration to the North from post-colonial perspective, it indicates that the internal focalization model from the first person point of view and Y-shaped model push forward the development of the plot, foreground the theme of the novel and reflect the author's worry and helplessness to the colonialism's impact on the colonized.
作者 黄晓丽
出处 《红河学院学报》 2013年第3期49-51,共3页 Journal of Honghe University
关键词 叙事者 内聚焦 第一人称 Y型结构 narrators internal focalization first person point of view Y-shaped model
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