
协同异构蜂窝层叠网络中的终端直通通信技术 被引量:1

Device-to-Device Communication as an Underlay in Coordinated Heterogenous Cellular Network
摘要 终端到终端(device-to-device,D2D)的直通通信实现了联合蜂窝和移动自组网的无缝操作,大幅提高了系统频谱效率和网络容量。介绍了D2D局域网的理论概念和在实践中的应用挑战;并着重论述了跨层资源管理在解决D2D通信中干扰避免问题的重要性,给出了一个无线资源管理实例。数据结果显示,所提出的算法性能接近穷举搜索最优算法,并具有相对较低的复杂度。目前,D2D通信技术表现出能够获得系统高容量和充分利用无线资源的巨大潜力。 Device-to-device (D2D) communication enables seamless operation of combining cellular and mobile Ad Hoc networks, which significantly improves the system spectrum efficiency and network capacity. The concept and application challenges of D2D local area network in theory and practice were introduced. The importance of cross layer resource management in solving interference avoidance of D2D communication was discussed, and an example of wireless resource management was also provided. The data results show that the performance of the proposed scheme is close to that of the exhaustive search optimal scheme, while has a relatively lower complexity. At present, D2D communication exhibits vast potential of achieving high system capacity and fully exploring wireless resources.
作者 许晨 宋令阳
出处 《电信科学》 北大核心 2013年第6期10-16,38,共8页 Telecommunications Science
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)青年科学家专题基金资助项目(No.2013CB336700)
关键词 D2D直通通信 无线资源管理 D2D局域网 D2D communication, wireless resource management, D2D local area network
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