
矩阵变换器调制策略的同一性研究及其载波实现 被引量:5

General Modulation of a Matrix Converter and Its Carrier Modulation Implementation
摘要 矩阵变换器的调制策略复杂且方法众多。为便于对其各自的输入输出性能进行比较与优化,采用零序矩阵与旋转变换,将矩阵变换器任意调制策略化简为坐标系下的二阶矩阵,通过矢量计算给出通解,并利用双调制波–载波方式可以灵活改变开关顺序的优点,得到矩阵变换器的通用调制策略。将此调制策略与传统的AV调制、空间矢量调制、双电压调制进行比较,给出任意功率因数下,三种算法的零序矩阵、旋转矩阵与开关切换特点,并利用载波予以实现。针对双电压调制法可以抵抗电网扰动,在旋转矩阵中予以分析比较,说明该优点是矢量实时计算的结果。仿真与实验结果验证了算法的正确性。 The numerous modulation strategies of matrix converter are complicated.In order to compare their respective performance and get optimization,this paper employed the zero-sequence matrix and rotation transformation for a general two-order matrix solution in-frame,and the carrier modulation with two references which can alter the switching pattern neatly was utilized for the general modulation.Comparing this method with traditional AV modulation,space vector modulation and double voltage modulation,the zero-sequence matrix,rotation matrix and switching pattern is present under any power factor,and an equivalent carrier modulation is implemented.Aimed to the disturbance rejection of the double voltage modulation,this paper analyzed the rotation matrix and given the conclusion that is because a real-time calculation of the vector magnitude.Simulation and experimental waveforms proved the validity of the general modulation.
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第18期30-39,18,共10页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51007094)~~
关键词 矩阵变换器 通用调制策略 零序矩阵 载波调制 matrix converter general modulation zero-sequence matrix carrier modulation
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