
不同木本植物功能型当年生小枝功能性状差异 被引量:22

Leaf and stem traits of current-year twigs vary with different functional types of woody plant
摘要 为探讨不同植物功能型之间小枝功能特征的差异,在重庆金佛山和缙云山分别采集20和26个木本植物,选择当年生的小枝测定其叶片和枝条性状。结果表明:1)叶片厚度表现为:落叶植物<常绿植物,乔木<灌木;单叶面积和叶片总面积表现为:落叶植物>常绿植物,乔木>灌木;不同植物功能型间小枝的叶片数量均无显著差异。2)落叶植物和乔木的小枝横截面积、小枝长度和小枝干重均显著高于常绿植物和灌木,不同植物功能型间小枝密度无显著差异。3)与常绿植物和灌木相比,落叶植物和乔木有较高的展叶效率(单位长度小枝支撑的叶片面积),小枝的出叶强度(单位长度小枝支撑的叶片数)无显著差异。4)在小枝水平上,常绿植物比落叶植物投入更多的生物量到叶片。 The current-year twigs of 20 and 26 woody plants were collected from Jinfo Mountain and Jinyun Mountain in Chongqing City of Southwest China, respectively, to study their leaf and stern traits, aimed to explore the differences in the functional traits of current-year twigs between deciduous and evergreen species, and between trees and shrubs. The results showed that the leaf thickness was smaller for deciduous species and trees than for evergreen species and shrubs, while the leaf area and total leaf area showed an opposite trend. However, there was no signifi- cant difference in the leaf number among these different functional types of woody plants. The stem cross-sectional area, stem length, and stem dry mass were all significantly larger for decidu- ous species and trees than for evergreen species and shrubs, but no significant difference was ob- served in the stem density. Deciduous species and trees had higher leaf area ratio than evergreen species and shrubs, but less difference appeared in leaf intensity. At twig scale, evergreen spe- cies allocated more biomass to their leaves, as compared with deciduous species.
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1465-1470,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31070404和31000194)资助
关键词 叶性状 小枝性状 植物功能性状 物种共存 生物多样性 leaf trait twig trait plant functional trait species coexistence biodiversity
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