
壳聚糖/肝素雷帕霉素药物洗脱支架对猪冠状动脉早期快速内皮化及抗血栓的作用 被引量:5

Effect of Chitosan/Heparin Rapamycin Drug Eluting Stent on Accelerating the Early Phase Re-Endothelialization and Anti-Thrombus Properties in Porcine Coronary Artery
摘要 目的:明确壳聚糖/肝素雷帕霉素药物洗脱支架(LBL-PLA-RAP支架)对猪冠状动脉(冠脉)早期快速内皮化及抗血栓的作用。方法:共选取9只小香猪,每种模型(静脉分流模型、高血栓负荷模型、球囊损伤模型)用3只小香猪,每只猪冠脉内分别置入3种不同的支架(LBL-PLA-RAP支架、壳聚糖/肝素涂层膜支架、裸金属支架)。通过动静脉分流模型与高血栓负荷模型验证LBL-PLA-RAP支架的抗血栓作用,通过1周猪冠脉球囊损伤模型,观察LBL-PLA-RAP支架早期内皮化的作用。结果:LBL-PLA-RAP支架在动静脉分流模型与高血栓负荷模型中较裸金属支架有较好的抗血栓作用,且在1周的球囊损伤模型中显示较好的内皮化作用。结论:LBL-PLA-RAP支架具有强大的抗血栓及能够在极早期促进支架内皮化。 Objective: To clarify the effect of ehitosan/heparin rapamycin drug eluting stent on accelerating the in-stent early phase re-endothelialization and anti-thrombus properties in porcine coronary artery. Methods: A total of 9 small pigs were divided into 3 models, Arterio-venous shunt model, High thrombosis load model, and coronary artery balloon injury model, n=3 in each model. Each animal was implanted in 3 stents as chitosan/heparin rapamyein drug eluting stent, chitosan/heparin coating stent, and bare metal stent. The anti-thrombus effect of chitosan/ heparin rapamycin drug eluting stent was examined with Arterio-venous shunt and High thrombosis load models, the early phase re-endothelialization effect of chitosan/heparin rapamycin drug eluting stent was evaluated with 1 week-coronary artery balloon injury model. Results: Compared with bare meta! stent, chitosan/heparin rapamycin drug eluting stent presented the better anti- thrombus effect in Arterio-venous shunt and High load thrombosis models, it also showed better re-endothelialization effect in 1 week-coronary artery balloon injury model of animals. Conclusion: Chitosan/heparin rapamycin drug eluting stent has strong in-stent anti-thrombus effect and may improve the early phase re-endothelialization in experimental porcine coronary artery.
出处 《中国循环杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期218-221,共4页 Chinese Circulation Journal
基金 上海市医学重点专科心内科(05-II026) 上海市普陀区自主创新项目(B82) 上海市教委项目
关键词 药物洗脱支架 层层自组装 壳聚糖 肝素 内皮化 血栓 Drug eluting stent Layer-by-layer self-assembly Chitosan/heparin Endothelialization Thrombus
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