研究了用马来酸酐和甲醇作原料 ,以一种路易斯酸作主催化剂合成富马酸二甲酯的新方法 ,讨论了催化酯化的各种影响因素 .该方法具有操作简单 ,反应时间短 ,生产成本低 ,产品纯度高等优点 .
This disseiation deals with a new method that dimethyl fumarate is synthetized with maleic anhydride and methanot used as natural material and a Lewis Acid used as the main catalyst and discusses all kind etfecting concletions of catalysing and esterifying.The method has advantages of easy operation, short time for reaction,low production cost and high purity of the product.
Journal of Yan'an University:Natural Science Edition