
1880例神经内科门诊头痛患者的病因分析 被引量:10

Etiological Analysis of 1880 Headache Patients from Neurology Department
摘要 目的:探讨神经内科门诊头痛患者的病因及其流行病学特点,以提高诊疗水平。方法:回顾性分析本科门诊2008年1月-2012年1月1880例头痛患者的资料,了解不同头痛诊断所占的比重及导致头痛的因素。结果:1880例患者中,男女比例为1:2.24,女性患者显著多于男性,平均年龄(45.87±15.92)岁。头痛病因居于首位的是偏头痛(29.5%),其次是紧张型头痛(23.1%),且学生和职员等社会压力较大的群体成为头痛主要患者。结论:头痛患者的性别、年龄和职业与头痛类型存在显著相关,需重视头痛患者的综合治疗以提高治疗水平。 Objective: To explore the etiology and epidemic characteristics of the outpatient with headache in neurology department for improving the diagnosis and treatment.Method: Through a retrospective analysis of 1880 outpatients with headache, we studied the factors leading to various kinds of headache and the portion of the different diseases.Result: Among the 1880 cases, the ratio of male to female was 1 : 2.24, which the percentage of female patients was obviously more than that of males.The mean age was ( 45.87 ± 15.92 ) years old. The migraine ( 29.5% ) was the most common kind of headache, followed by tension-type headache ( 23.1% ) . Staff and students who undergo a lot of social pressure become the major headache patients. Conclusion: The gender, age and occupation exist significant correlation with the type of headache. We should pay attention to the comprehensive treatment of headache patients in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment.
出处 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2013年第17期120-122,共3页 Medical Innovation of China
关键词 门诊 头痛 临床分析 流行病学 Outpatient Headache Clinical analysis Epidemic characteristics
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