

"Ci" or Proposition: a Comparative Study of Basic Categories in the Chinese and Western Philosophy of Language
摘要 针对国内哲学研究中借助西方哲学概念"命题"定义先秦哲学概念"辞"的做法,通过对先秦哲学典籍和西方相关哲学论著文本的分析、考证和阐释,得出以下结论:"辞"和"命题"只是在句法述谓结构、基本语义成分和某些语用特征方面存在共性,而在述谓结构的组合方式及其在各自哲学体系中的地位和作用方面,二者存在明显差异。这些差异的后果之一是,中西语言研究对句法问题采取了不同的取向。 While it is common that "ci", a basic category in the Pre-Qin philosophy of language, is frequently defined in philosophical discourses in China as "proposition", a category from the Western philosophy of language, this paper attempts to compare and examine the two categories by referring to, analyzing and interpreting the related texts from the PreQin and Western philosophy. The study finds that, although "ci" and "proposition" are alike in terms of their syntactic predication, basic semantic elements and some pragmatic properties, they differ in their own predicative structures, the theoretical roles they play and the constructive functions they perform in the Chinese and Western philosophy of language. As a result, two approaches have been taken to syntax in Chinese and Western studies of language.
作者 霍永寿
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2013年第2期66-71,共6页 Foreign Languages and Literature
基金 广东外语外贸大学引进人才科研启动项目"汉语述谓结构的哲学研究"
关键词 命题 先秦语言哲学 范畴 述谓 ci proposition the pre-Qin philosophy of language category predication
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