针对当前无线通信和移动计算技术在政务工作中的应用模式的特点,本文采用Browser/Server三层结构设计模式,利用ASP技术和SQL Server作为后台数据库服务器设计了此移动电子政务系统,分析了政务办公的模块结构,讨论了政务系统的设计与开发,并提出了办公系统的总体结构。系统的成功开发实现了移动电子政务系统的动态管理,使得系统更加高效、方便,提高了工作效率,快捷、便利的为公众和办公人员提供了政务服务。
In view of the wireless communication and mobile computing technology applied in the job of government. This platform is adopted three-tier model and ASP, and used the SQL Server as server of data. It has established a Mobile Government based on B/S, and discussed the designing and developing about the Mobile Government. It presented the overall structure of office system. This systemhas realized the dynamic management, and achieved an efficient and convenient system for public and officers.
Electronic Design Engineering