
社会工程学背景下的网络安全 被引量:4

Network Security under the Background of Social Engineering
摘要 网络的发展使社会工程学攻击呈迅速上升甚至滥用的趋势.这种攻击利用了人的弱点而非计算机系统漏洞来突破信息安全防御措施,因此,研究它对网络安全的威胁有着积极的意义.本文对社会工程学进行原理性分析,描述了社会工程学与网络安全的关系和社会工程学攻击的特征及方法,阐述了社会工程学攻击将心理的和行为的攻击结合运用的过程,指出将社会工程学融入到蜜罐系统,构建更加全面的安全防护体系,以抵御各种技术与非技术因素的攻击,是一种新的思路. As network evolves, social engineering attack has a rapidly rising even trend of abuse. It is of significance to study the threats of the attack on network security, because this attack breaks through the defense measures of system security by using human vulnerability not computer leaks. This paper discusses about the theoretical basis of social engineering and social engineering attack, describes the relation of social engineering and network security and the character and method of this attack, and then expounds the attack's process with psychological and behavioral attack. In order to develop the general system of network security for defending all kinds of technical and non - technical factor attacks, social engineering should integrate with honeypot system. That is a new idea pointed out in this article.
出处 《怀化学院学报》 2013年第5期52-56,共5页 Journal of Huaihua University
基金 湖南省教育厅科研项目(No.10C1064) 怀化学院科研项目(No.HHUY2010-18) 怀化学院重点学科建设项目资助
关键词 社会工程学 网络安全 防御体系 攻击 蜜罐系统 social engineering network security defense system attack honeypot system
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