A new decanter is designed to solve some shortcomings of the current decanters. This new decanter has both inner and outer floating tanks. It has two symmetric weir gates and requires no extra dynamic to work. The bottom of the walls of the outer floating tanks hinges with the flap gates. The flap gates and the top of the collecting chute form the weir gates. When the decanter is not decanting, the inner floating tank provides the buoyance ; while the decanter is decanting, it is the outer tank that provides the buoyance. The weir gate is always below the fluid surface. The discrepancy between buoyance under the two different decanting conditions rotates the flap gate to ei- ther open or close the weir gate. In the study, the relationship between the weir gate load and the immersion extent of the outer tank wall is concluded with a formula. A sample decanter with 2. 1 meter long was manufactured and tested. Its decanting load is 0. 037 m3/ ( m s), and it works satisfactorily.
Environmental Science Survey