80年代以来 ,科学家们揭示了许多有关 RNA的功能 ,并使传统分类学、生物定律以及中心法则产生了动摇。从国外报到来看 ,象 Science、Nature、Cell、Biochemistry等刊物对 RNA的报道都特别多 ,RNA研究确实是世界的一个研究热点。人们惊奇地发现了 RNA许多鲜为人知的事实 ,这不仅是对分子生物学、结构生物学的重大贡献和有益补充 ,而且使整个生命科学的研究更具科学性和客观性 ,使历史上许多悬而未决的问题重新成为热点。
Since 1980s, scientists have reported a lot of features of RNA. RNAstudies have become in great in the world, RNA has been issued such as Science, Nature, Cell, Biochemistry and so on. Some evidences show that RNA world had been existed on the planet. RNA theory for origin of life fuels long standing speculation since RNA was found as an enzyme.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Natural Sciences Edition