
GPU Tessellation网格细分方法实现

Implementation of GPU Tessellation Methods
摘要 针对基于GPU Tessellation进行网格细分的问题,分析了OpenGL4.x新引入的三个渲染阶段,给出了三种基本图元类型,等值线、三角形和四边形的细分方法,并进行了编程实现,为下一步该技术在特定领域的应用打下了基础。 Aimed to surface subdivision based on GPU Tessellation, three new render stages introduced by OpenGL 4. x was analyzed in detail. The tessellation process of three elementary domain type, including isolines, triangles and quads, were adequately presented. At last, the whole process was tested in PC, and laid the foundation in particular application fields.
出处 《重庆航天职业技术学院学报》 2013年第2期62-66,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Aerospace Polytechnic
关键词 渲染 图形渲染单元 细分曲面 OPENGL rendering GPU tessellation OpenGL
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