目的探讨SF-36量表用于测评军事训练伤关节伤患者生活质量的可行性。方法用SF-36量表测评105例军事训练伤关节伤患者,对结果进行信度、效度和反应度分析。结果通过因子分析发现,SF-36量表具有较好的结构效度。8个维度的重测信度较好均>0.7,其中情感角色限制(RE)纬度最低为0.72。其内部一致性系数分别为,生理功能0.83、躯体疼痛0.78、健康总体自评0.82、社会功能0.75、心理健康0.85,除生理角色限制0.50、活力0.65及情感角色限制0.40外其余均>0.7。关节损伤组与对照组比较SF-36量表各纬度得分术后均高于术前(P<0.01),说明量表的敏感性较高。结论 SF-36用于测评军事训练伤关节伤患者的生活质量,具有较好的信度、效度和反应度。
Objective To explore the feasibility of SF-36 scale in assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients with military training-induced joint damage. Method The reliability, validity and responsiveness of the SF-36 scale in 105 patients were analyzed. Results The SF-36 scale was of better validity showed by factor analysis. All domains of the scale, the test-retest reliability, correlation coefficients were better and internal consistency coefficients were more than 0.7 for five domains, except role-physical 0.50; vitality 0.65; role emotional 0.40. The SF-36 could measure the change of quality of life in joint damage patients and control group sensitively (P〈0.01). Conclusion There are acceptable reliability, validity and responsiveness of SF-36 in patients of military stress of joint damage.
Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy