
国外承压设备棘轮变形设计规范介绍 被引量:1

Review on foreign design codes concerning ratcheting deformation of pressure equipments
摘要 棘轮效应是指金属材料或结构承受一个一次载荷并叠加循环载荷时所产生的渐进变形,是在应力控制循环加载下二次变形的累积。为了避免承压设备的棘轮变形,国内外标准中均有防止棘轮变形的设计规定。文章简单介绍国外承压设计规范防止棘轮变形的分析方法,并对不同规范中的分析方法进行对比。 Ratcheting, namely cyclic plastic strain accumulation, is a phenomenon that can occur in a structure subjected to both primary load and secondary cyclic load. In order to avoid ratcheting behavior of materials/structures, the methods of preventing ratcheting behavior are established by domestic and overseas codes. The analysis methods of preventing ratcheting deformation in different codes were briefly introduced and compared in the paper.
作者 陈小辉 陈旭
出处 《化工设备与管道》 CAS 2013年第3期1-5,共5页 Process Equipment & Piping
基金 科技部863项目(2009AA04Z4030)
关键词 棘轮效应 渐进变形 防止棘轮变形 Ratcheting effect Progressive deformation ratcheting deformation
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