
螺旋板式吸附床的结构分析和传热性能研究 被引量:2

Structure Analysis and Heat Transfer Performance Study on Spiral Plate of the Adsorption Bed
摘要 分析了螺旋板式吸附床的优缺点,采用逆流型的流动换热方式,针对制冷量为15kW的制冰工况对螺旋板式吸附床结构进行分析计算和优化设计,并理论研究其传热过程和冷热源的需求量。结果表明:螺旋板式吸附床的传热能力较其它吸附床结构形式有很大提高、体积较小,若能有效解决加工困难和传质通道的设置,则可以得到广泛应用,推动吸附制冷技术的产品化和商业化。 The advantages and disadvantages of the spiral plate adsorption bed are analyzed. The heat transfer process and the demand of cold and heat sources in a spiral plate adsorption bed, which is designed with counter-flow heat transfer and based on 15kW refrigerating output, are theoretically analyzed and optimized. The result shows that the heat-transfer capability of the spiral plate adsorption bed is bet- ter and its volume is smaller than other adsorption beds. If the processing difficulties and settings of mass transfer channel can be solved effectively, the spiral plate adsorption bed can be widely used, which will benefit the commercialization of the technology.
出处 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期45-49,共5页 Journal of Refrigeration
基金 武汉市科技供需对接计划项目(201150124015)资助~~
关键词 螺旋板式吸附床 结构形式 传热性能 需求热量 优化设计 the spiral plate adsorption bed structural style heat transfer performance energy requirement optimal design
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