
雅思考试的历史演变及其反拨作用 被引量:2

IELTS’s Development and its Washback Effects
摘要 IELTS这项国际性的语言测试,经历20多年的发展,在多次的变革中不断提高了信度和效度。变革过程中出现了诸如分模块测试、模块设置、模块关联以及评分等值得关注和讨论的问题。从IELTS的变化窥探其反拨效果,了解IELTS考试对留学生的学习生活有效性和效率性问题。 IELTS is an international language testing system for English. It is becoming more and more valid and reliable through its development during the last 20 years. People's concerns and discussions put on problems like the sub-tests, module settings, the connection between modules and scoring, etc.. The improving process helps better understand IETLS' s significant washback effects, through which can we take a look at the effectiveness and efficiency on overseas students' academic life.
作者 朱民杰
出处 《韶关学院学报》 2013年第5期197-200,共4页 Journal of Shaoguan University
基金 2012年韶关学院教改课题"英语卓越人才培养模式改革与实践"(SYJY20121334)
关键词 雅思 IELTS 演变 反拨作用 测试 IELTS development washback effects test.
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