
构建新时期检警关系的几点建议——以基层检察机关侦查监督工作为视角 被引量:1

Suggestions to build the relationship between prosecutors and police in the new era——took grassroots prosecution inves tigation and supervision as perspective
摘要 近几年来,随着公安系统警务体制改革的不断推进,公安派出所在刑事执法工作中的地位逐步凸显。笔者经调查发现,一些基层公安机关近年来提请检察机关审查逮捕的大部分刑事案件,其侦查取证工作都是由公安机关驻辖区派出所承担完成的。面对这样的新形势,在司法实践中,检察机关侦查监督工作必须秉承"强化法律监督,维护公平正义"的工作宗旨,根据辖区内的实际情况,及时调整工作思路,延伸监督触角,以实现对辖区公安派出所的刑事执法活动的有效监督,努力构建新时期的新型检警关系,力图实现监督与配合的有机统一。 In recent years, the public security system continuously push forward the reform of the police, the police station has been showing up in the criminal enforcement. After investigation, the author found that the majority of criminal cases that some grassroots public security organs requested the prosecutors to examine and arrest, whose investigation and evidence collection work was completed by the district police station of the public security organs recently. Faced with this new situation, in judicial practice, the prosecution investigation and supervision work must adhere to the purpose of the work-"strengthen legal supervision and maintain fairness and justice", according to the actual situation in the area, timely adjust work thinking, extend the supervision tentacles, in order to achieve the effective supervision of the criminal law enforcement activities of the area police station, build the new relationship between prosecutors and police in a new era and try to achieve the organic unity of the supervision and cooperation.
作者 路留超
机构地区 吉林大学
出处 《辽宁公安司法管理干部学院学报》 2013年第2期70-71,共2页 Journal of Liaoning Administrators College of Police and Justice
关键词 监督 引导取证 配合 规范执法 supervision guide theobtainment of evidence cooperation regulated law enforcement
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