

An Analysis of Li Na's Humor from Perspective of Interpersonal Rhetoric
摘要 在2013年澳网官网的一项评奖中,李娜凭借她的"娜式幽默"独享"金话筒奖",收集了李娜在各大网球公开赛新闻发布会和赛后采访材料,并试图从人际修辞的角度分析李娜语录中所蕴含的"娜式幽默",旨在提高幽默话语理解能力,促进人与人之间的交流。 Chinese woman tennis player Li Na earned admiration with her humor and won the"Golden Mike Award"in Australian Open. This article tries to analyze interview materials based on the framework of interpersonal rhetoric and reveals the humor embedded in Li's utterance,aiming to improve the ability to understand humorous utterance and promote interpersonal communication.
作者 刘艳男 江军
出处 《武汉工程职业技术学院学报》 2013年第2期56-59,共4页 Journal of Wuhan Engineering Institute
关键词 人际修辞 娜式幽默 合作原则 礼貌原则 调侃原则 李娜 interpersonal rhetoric Li Na's humor cooperative Principle principle of politeness principle of banter Li Na
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